报 告 人:陈迎 研究员
主 办:云南省社会科学界联合会
承 办:LETOU体育平台资源与环境学院
Dr. Ying Chen, female, is a Senior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Eco-civilization(RIEco), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Deputy Director of CASS Research Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD) and Professor at CASS Graduate School. She worked as a Lead Author for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and AR6. She is a vice Chairman of Chinese National Committee for Future Earth (CNC-FE), vice Director of Environmental Economics Branch of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, vice Director of Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Committee of Chinese Meteorological Society. Her research interests include environmental economics and sustainable development, energy and climate change policy as well as international climate regime etc. She published 3 books (as co-author), over 100 papers in academic books and journals, as well as an amount of reports, analysis and articles. Some of them were awarded for Pushan Award for Excellent Paper on International Economics,Sun Yefang Award for Excellent Paper on Economics and CASS Award for Excellent Research Achievements, etc.